Email Verification API

Get started with Maileroo's Email Verification API.

The Maileroo Email Verification API allows users to verify the validity of an email address. It provides details such as format validation, MX record existence, disposable email detection, and domain suggestions for misspelled email addresses.

API Endpoint

The API endpoint for sending emails is:

Method: POST

Content Type: application/json


To authenticate your requests, you must include your API key in the X-API-KEY header of your request. However, you can also include your API key in the request body as a JSON property called api_key. You can find your API key in the Verifications section of the dashboard.


This is a free API service provided by Maileroo subject to a fair usage policy. You can make up to 10 requests per second.

Request Body

The request body is a JSON object containing the following fields:

api_key (Optional) Your API key. Required if you don't include your API key in the headers.
email_address The email address you want to verify

Response Body

The response body is a JSON object containing the following fields:

success A boolean indicating whether the request was successful
error_code The error code if the request was unsuccessful
message The error message if the request was unsuccessful
data The response data if the request was successful

The data field is a JSON object containing the following fields:

email The email address you verified
format_valid Whether the email address is correctly formatted
mx_found Whether the email address has a valid MX record
disposable Whether the email address is disposable
role Whether the email address is a role address
free Whether the email address is a free email address
domain_suggestion A suggested domain name if the entered domain name is invalid

Error Codes

The API returns the following response codes in the body:

0429 Too many requests. You have exceeded the ratelimit.
0400 Your request was invalid. Check the response body for more details.
0401 The API key you provided is invalid.
0402 The email_address field is required.
0403 Please provide a string value for the email_address field.

Request Example

The following is an example of a request to the API:

Email Verification API Request Example


Code Examples

Please download the ZIP file below to get code examples in CURL, PHP, Golang, Python, and Node.js.

Download Code Examples