Best Practices for SMTP Email Services

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is key to efficient email delivery. Recognising the surge in demand for such technology, Maileroo stands out by not only offering reliable SMTP email services but also ensuring ease of use with fuss-free SMTP integration.

Best Practices for SMTP Email Services
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters / Unsplash

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is key to efficient email delivery. Recognising the surge in demand for such technology, Maileroo stands out by not only offering reliable SMTP email services but also ensuring ease of use with fuss-free SMTP integration.

In this complicated digital ecosystem, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is pivotal in ensuring smooth and efficient email services.

The increasing need for a consistent user experience also increases the demand for advanced technology that can make transactional emails sent faster.

SMTP is the industry-standard protocol for sending emails over the Internet. This forms the backbone of any email service for businesses.

The right choice of SMTP email service can significantly impact the effectiveness of any business email communication and operation.

So, why should a business choose Maileroo for SMTP email services? 

In the following sections, we will delve into the level of SMTP service, the importance of SMTP for email services, the business practices one must look for in an SMTP email service, the significance of choosing the right SMTP email service, and why Maileroo stands out among other SMTP mail providers.

Choose the right level of SMTP service

Before deciding on an SMTP service, one must clearly identify their needs. The right choice depends on whether there’s a need to send transactional emails, marketing emails, SMS notifications, or require more flexibility and customisation through SMTP/API capabilities

Here are the levels of SMTP service

  • Transactional Email Only: This service is ideal for businesses that need to send transactional emails like order confirmations, receipts, and password resets.
  • Marketing Email Campaigns: If it intends to send bulk emails for marketing purposes, such as newsletters or promotional offers, this is the right service.
  • Manual SMS Gateway Integrations: To send SMS notifications in addition to emails, manual SMS gateway integrations can be a viable solution.
  • Leverage SMTP/API Capabilities: For developers and those comfortable with coding, leveraging SMTP/API capabilities can offer more flexibility and customisations in email delivery.

Why SMTP for email services?

SMTP, also known as Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, is the foundation of digital email services. 

Basically, this is the method that replaced the physical postal service.  

This protocol was designed to be light, reliable, and straightforward, thereby ensuring that emails are sent, received, and stored correctly.

SMTP is the key to notable efficiency and suitability, especially for large-scale operations. 

Understanding SMTP Services at Maileroo

Maileroo extends its commitment to quality service through its SMTP offerings.

A solid architecture, unmatched deliverability, and enterprise-grade security are just some of the key features and advantages of using Maileroo's SMTP services.

It also ensures easy integration of SMTP, making the process seamless for users.

But to further understand and choose the right SMTP service for an enterprise, one must check its practices and its advantages, among others.

Best Practices for Using SMTP Email Services

Businesses should opt for an SMTP service provider with a good reputation. 

A reputable provider not only ensures dependable service but also helps you maintain a healthy sender reputation, minimising the chance of your emails landing in the spam folder.

Here are some of Maileroo's practices that an enterprise should check to choose the right SMTP email service provider:

Must have a Sender Policy Framework (SPF)

SPF is a crucial component of email authentication. It combats email spoofing, thus maintaining your domain's reputation and ensuring your recipients' security. 

Maileroo guides its users through the correct implementation of SPF in their system.

Works with DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) 

This is another tool for email authentication that adds an encrypted signature to the header of all outgoing emails for validation.

Maileroo provides a simple step-by-step guide to correctly implementing DKIM in their system.

Works together with Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) integration

DMARC is a standard system that prevents spammers from using your domain to send emails without the owner's permission. 

Maileroo simplifies the process of DMARC integration with its SMTP services to further ensure your email's authenticity.

Creates Faster Transactional Email Delivery

The SMTP should have the ability to enable real-time tracking of email delivery and open rates. This is to guarantee that emails are delivered precisely and efficiently.

Maileroo's practice is to commit to delivering email faster than any other while providing real-time tracking of email delivery and open rates.

Has the Right Encryption 

Data privacy is essential when it comes to business email communication. Email encryption ensures confidential email messages remain secure and are not accessible by unauthorised persons. 

SMTP Secure (SMTPS) and StartTLS encryption are the most common encryption protocols used in SMTP email services.

Maileroo makes sure to encrypt protocols for data privacy and prevent any malware that will enter the emailing system. 

Initiates Email Verification

It should have the tool that detects invalid email addresses in real time. This ensures that email reaches inboxes and maintains a reliable email list.

Maileroo's best practice is to make sure organisations will be able to receive its free Email Verification API.

Has a Flexible Email Delivery Options

An SMTP service should understand that different enterprises have different preferences. These businesses will have the power to choose whether to use the traditional SMTP or Email API using HTTP for simpler requests.

Maileroo's practice is to let any enterprise select the method that best suits their needs. 

Provides Regular Software Updates

It’s essential to perform regular software updates to fix bugs, patch discovered vulnerabilities, and optimise its performance.

Maileroo realises the importance of updating their SMTP email service to the latest version. But before any update, there will be a notification for an update. 

Has a Pricing Transparency 

SMTP email services should have transparent pricing to allow enterprises to plan their expenses and avoid hidden costs or any surprise charges. 

Maileroo's practice is to make pricing transparent. Its pricing model is designed to serve a broader range of users, offering a free email SMTP provider plan for starters and an enterprise plan for larger needs. 

Other Factors to Consider When Choosing SMTP Email Services

Choosing an SMTP service should not be taken lightly. Considerations such as reliability and uptime, deliverability rates, security and compliance, and scalability should be at the forefront of your decision-making process.


A reliable SMTP service ensures that all outgoing emails reach their intended destinations without fail. This maintains trust and credibility between the business and its clients. 


Uptime is the time a service is up and running. This is a critical measure of an SMTP service's reliability. Businesses should look for guarantees of high uptime percentages (99.9% or more) from their SMTP email providers. 

Deliverability Rates

Ensuring your emails reach the intended recipient's inbox is vital. Several factors influence deliverability rates, and SMTP must provide a high rate of email delivery.

Security and Compliance

An SMTP email provider should uphold high security and compliance standards, employ encryption for secure data transmission, and comply with key data protection regulations.


SMTP services should adapt to an enterprise's growing operational needs. This allows for seamless upgrading and downgrading as required.

Maileroo has all of these to guarantee the uninterrupted operation of the service. 

Performance Optimisation Tips

By implementing a few strategic measures, businesses can significantly improve their email delivery rates and minimise latency, as follows: 

  • Set up automated rules and filters to categorise and prioritise emails- This is to ensure important communications get the attention they need. This is to make large volumes of email more manageable.
  • Combining SMTP server service provider hardware upgrades,routing optimisation, and selecting a reliable internet service provider - This will help minimise SMTP email latency.
  • Distribute the work across several servers- This load balancing can help handle network traffic for SMTP email services. Some techniques, such as round-robin distribution, least connection method, or IP hash, are effective strategies depending on the specific needs of the business.

The Verdict

Top SMTP providers email services are a linchpin for effective communication and operational efficiency. 

Maileroo, with its solid architecture, superior deliverability, and enterprise-grade security, offers a compelling proposition for businesses looking for reliable SMTP email services. 

Its commitment to SPF, DKIM, and DMARC integration, coupled with its real-time tracking capabilities, email verification, and flexible delivery options, make it a standout choice for businesses. 

Moreover, without hidden fees, its transparent pricing structure caters to a wide range of users, from startups to large enterprises.

Maileroo is here to help you reach your audience better. Reach out today to take advantage of what we have to offer!