Email Analytics: A Guide to Increasing Email Open Rates

Understanding and tracking your email performance not only gives you insights but also gives you the advantage of refining and correcting any possible issues that may arise.

Email Analytics: A Guide to Increasing Email Open Rates

Email marketing remains a critical component of your digital marketing strategy, but its success hinges on the ability to reach and engage recipients effectively.

And email analytics is basically looking at key performance indicators to see how people respond to your emails. 

By looking at metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and bounce rates, businesses can learn things that help them make strategic decisions. This leads to more compelling and effective email campaigns, which also means figuring out the subtleties of recipient behaviour. 

 This guide will talk about useful ways to understand email analytics and introduce Maileroo, an SMTP service that helps you track and improve your email performance by getting to the inbox of your recipients. 

What is email analytics?

Email analytics is the practice of collecting and analysing data from email campaigns to improve communication strategies. By examining various metrics, businesses, especially in the marketing division, can make data-driven decisions to optimise their emails for better engagement and conversion.

 Below are the email metrics a business should look at: 

Open Rate

The open rate measures the percentage of recipients who open your email. This metric is important for gauging initial interest and the effectiveness of your subject line.

Click-through Rate

The click-through rate (CTR) tracks how many people clicked on a link within an email versus the total number of emails opened. It shows how relevant the email's content is and how strong the call to action is as well.

Bounce Rate

The bounce rate is the number of emails that were sent but did not make it to the recipient's inbox. High bounce rates could mean that there are problems with the email list or with the server's reputation.

Unsubscribe Rate

This measures the rate at which people opt out of your email list after receiving an email. It helps you determine the reception of your content and its alignment with their interests.

Conversion Rate

The conversion rate shows how effective the email campaign was by showing the percentage of people who got the email and did something you wanted them to do, like buy something or sign up for a webinar.

Why is understanding email analytics important?

Understanding email analytics is fundamental for any business owner aiming to refine their email marketing strategy. By tracking the performance data of their email campaigns, you can make changes to their methods to boost open rates and reach goals. These give you a better idea of how your audience acts and what they like, showing you what really resonates with them.

 Also, if you have access to certain metrics, you can find problems in email campaigns early on and fix them. It also lets you see how well their call-to-action (CTA) prompts work and make changes to get better results. 

Optimising Email Content and Design

Crafting compelling and engaging email content is crucial in the realm of email marketing. However, the effectiveness of an email is not solely determined by its content but also by its appearance and presentation.

Focusing on creating creative subjects and emails with value lures recipients to open the email and, for the best, click through the CTA buttons. 

Here’s how you can do this: 

Clear and concise CTAs

CTRs are a great way to find out how many people are interested in your email enough to click on a link in it. To improve this metric, start by making sure that your email's call-to-action (CTA) buttons or links are clear and easy to find in your email. Moreover, your call to action (CTA) should be visually appealing and make it clear what people will get by clicking on it.

Personalised Email Content

Personalising the content of emails is another good way to increase CTR. Using this method goes deeper than just calling people by their first names. It involves choosing what to include in emails based on the recipient's interests, preferences, or past interactions with your brand. This makes the messages more relevant and increases the engagement rates. 

Importance of Email Design

One important thing that can have a big effect on click-through rates is how your email looks. Emails should look good and be easy to use, and important information should stand out right away. A responsive design and an easy-to-understand layout ensure that the email is readable on a variety of devices.

Troubleshooting common email delivery problems

Monitoring your email bounce rate is crucial because a high bounce rate indicates that a significant number of your messages are not reaching their intended recipients. This can be due to various delivery issues. If not addressed, it can adversely affect your open rates and the overall efficacy of your email marketing initiatives. 

Here are some of the reasons for those undelivered messages: 

Avoiding Invalid or Inactive Email Addresses

Invalid or inactive email addresses are one of the predominant causes of increased bounce rates. Incorrect, inactive, or shut-down email addresses can contribute to increased bounce rates. To counteract this, it's essential to periodically cleanse your email list. 

Confronting Full Mailboxes

Another delivery challenge is the recipient's mailbox being at capacity. In such instances, the recipient's mailbox will return your email. To deal with this, you could try to reattempt the email delivery over the next few days, but generally this process is handled by the Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) itself.

Although spam filters are designed to prevent people from receiving spam emails, they can occasionally mistakenly flag legitimate emails. To ensure your emails always reach your subscribers, understanding how spam filters work and avoiding incorrect flagging are crucial. Try to avoid spammy keywords in your email content which trigger spam filters. Avoiding spam words and phrases by carefully picking your language will greatly lower the likelihood of your emails being designated as spam.

Upholding a Sender Reputation

Your sender reputation has a big impact on how many emails get delivered. This reputation tells ISPs and email providers whether to let your emails get through to the inbox, send them to the spam folder, or block them completely. Keeping a good sender reputation is important to make sure that your emails get to the right people.

Resolving Technical Issues

Sometimes, technical problems like server malfunctions or incorrectly configured DNS settings can make delivery difficult and raise your bounce rates. To avoid these technical problems, you should work with your IT department or email service provider to make sure that your email infrastructure is safe and working at its best. To test if your DNS records are correctly set up for emailing, using a mail tester tool can be very helpful.

Optimising Email Campaigns for Higher Open Rates

Split Testing

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a key part of successful email marketing. By creating and distributing variant versions of your email to different subscriber segments, you can gather valuable insights. By looking at the results of these tests, you can find the most effective parts, like headlines, images, or calls to action. This lets you make changes to your campaigns to get higher open rates.


Adding the recipient's name to the subject line or using dynamic content that is based on their past transactions or interests can be a simple way to get them more involved. This personalisation makes people feel like they are being paid attention to, which increases both the open and response rates.

Timing and Frequency

The key to making email marketing work is finding the right balance between timing and frequency. Every group of people has a different ideal time and number of emails to send. Careful testing and analysis will help find the best cadence, increase open rates, and make your campaigns more effective.

Subject-Line Optimisation

The subject line is the first thing that people see, so make it count. Writing subject lines that are catchy, interesting, and impossible to resist is an art that can greatly increase the number of emails that are opened. 

Mobile Optimisation

Mobile devices are becoming more and more popular for checking email, so you need to make sure your site works well on these devices. Make sure that all of your emails look good on a variety of screens and devices. 

Analysing Email Performance with the Maileroo SMTP Service

Using Maileroo's SMTP service is a smart move for companies that want to get more out of their email campaigns. 

Maileroo lets you track delivery metrics, click-through rates, email opens, and bounce rates in real time. These are all important pieces of information for figuring out how effective email outreach is.  

With its transactional email delivery solution, you can be sure that your emails will get delivered quickly and reliably. You can also use it to further improve the way your campaign works. 

Maileroo's detailed performance reports and effective bounced email suppression system are essential for planning your strategy and keeping your mailing list clean, as mentioned above, to maintain low bounce rates.

Maileroo is a great tool for businesses that want to really succeed with their email marketing because it works with both the SMTP and HTTP email APIs. This makes integration much easier.

Enhancing Email Open Rates with the Maileroo SMTP Service

Maileroo offers a suite of optimisation tools geared towards increasing email open rates, a critical factor in the success of email marketing campaigns.

Deliverability Optimisation

Maileroo can help ensure that recipients receive your emails in their inboxes instead of them being flagged as spam or getting lost in junk folders.

Sender Reputation Management

Maileroo takes steps to protect and improve its users' credibility by keeping an eye on sender reputation. Thus, it encourages higher email open rates.

Email Authentication

Sending emails through Maileroo that use authentication standards like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC makes them more trustworthy. People are more likely to open your messages if they know they are real, which could lead to higher engagement rates.

Wrap Up

Reaching the highest possible open rate is essential for the success of any email campaign. 

Businesses like yours can get better results from their email marketing by using SMTP services like Maileroo and email analytics to get more from their emails and improve engagement with their audience. 

Moreover, investing time and resources into understanding your audience, developing compelling content, and leveraging data insights are critical elements for success. By using these strategies to improve and tweak your email campaigns on a regular basis, you can use email marketing to its fullest as a powerful tool for growth and communication. 

It is always important to take note that the future of your business may well depend on how effectively you communicate with your customers, and with Maileroo, you're equipped to send the right message at the right time.