Sending Emails Using SMTP and Maileroo API in Java

Learn to send emails in Java using Maileroo! This guide covers SMTP and Maileroo Email API, from setup to sample code for sending notifications, confirmations, or newsletters. Simplify email integration and enhance user communication with easy-to-follow steps and examples.

Sending Emails Using SMTP and Maileroo API in Java
Photo by Taiki Ishikawa / Unsplash

If you’re building a Java application that needs to send notifications, welcome messages, confirmations, or newsletters, having email functionality is critical. In this guide, we’ll be exploring two different methods to send emails in Java using Maileroo:

  1. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
  2. Maileroo Email API

We’ll start by creating our development environment from scratch. Next, we’ll begin to configure our Maileroo Account (such as verifying your domain and collecting credentials). Finally, we’ll write sample code for each approach. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be able to send emails confidently to your users.

What is Maileroo?

Maileroo is a straightforward email service that provides two main methods of sending emails:

  • SMTP: A “traditional” email protocol
  • Maileroo Email API: A modern HTTP-based endpoint for sending messages

Using Maileroo you can simplify your email-sending process and reduce complexity compared to managing your own personal mail server.

Creating Maileroo Account

Let's create a free Maileroo account by visiting Register | Maileroo and verifying your domain. This process only takes a couple of minutes and is very simple.

  • After signing up, you’ll receive a verification email. Click the link in your email to verify your account.
  • Once verified, log in to your account.
  • From the dashboard, choose SMTP Relay to begin.

Creating an SMTP Account

To send emails using SMTP, we first need to set up the necessary credentials.

  1. Go to Domains | Maileroo and click on Overview.
  1. Click on Create an SMTP Account and then New Account
  2. Add an alias for the email address you’ll use to send emails.

That's it, your SMTP credentials are now ready to use.

Creating a Sending Key for API Use

If you prefer to send emails using the Maileroo Email API, you’ll need an API key for authentication. Here’s how to create it:

  1. Navigate to Overview in your domain settings and click on Create a Sending Key, then New Sending Key.
  2. Provide an identifier (you can use any name you like).

We can now use this API key to send emails.

Adding Authorized Recipients

Before we can send any emails, the recipient's email address must be added to the Authorized Recipients list.

  1. In the Overview section of your domain, check the Authorized Recipients panel on the right-hand side.
  2. Add the recipient's email address.

With your environment set up ready and Maileroo account, let's start working on sending emails with Maileroo!

Getting Started

Before writing any code, let’s first configure a fresh Java project

1. Installing Java

Make sure you have Java 8 or later installed. To check your version, run the following command in the terminal:

java -version

If you see a version below 8, upgrade before proceeding. Java 11 or later is recommended for newer language features and better support.

While you can compile individual .java files by hand, Maven and Gradle are the most common tools for managing dependencies and builds.

Maven and Gradle are not typically pre-installed with Java. Instead you will have to install them separately for managing dependencies:

  • Maven Installation:
    • Download from, unzip, and add mvn to your system PATH.
    • Or use a package manager (e.g., brew install maven on macOS or sudo apt-get install maven on Ubuntu).
  • Gradle Installation:
    • Download from, unzip, and add gradle to your PATH.
    • Or install via a package manager (e.g., brew install gradle on macOS or sudo apt-get install gradle on Ubuntu).

Once installed, we can add libraries like Jakarta Mail or OkHttp by editing our pom.xml (for Maven) or build.gradle (for Gradle).

3. Folder Structure

We will create a folder structure similar to the following:

├── src
│   └── main
│       └── java
│           └──
│           └──
└── pom.xml (if using Maven) or build.gradle (if using Gradle)

We will place our .java files under src/main/java.

You can create this structure manually, but using an build tool is better and safer for the project. It also simplifies updates and migrations later.

  • Maven:
mvn archetype:generate
  • Gradle:
gradle init --type java-application

These generates a barebone project with src/main/java and pom.xml (Maven) or build.gradle (Gradle).

Either approach works fine. The key is to keep your source code in a src/main/java directory and your build configuration file (pom.xml or build.gradle) at the root.

Sending Emails via SMTP

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is the standard protocol used for sending emails over the Internet.
It’s a reliable and widely-used way to send emails from one place to another, whether for personal use or in applications that send notifications or messages. SMTP works behind the scenes to ensure emails are properly delivered, making it easy to connect to most email services without needing special tools or software.

In Java, the Jakarta Mail (formerly JavaMail) library is commonly used to send emails via SMTP. Let's start by adding it to our project.

Adding Jakarta Mail

  1. Using Maven:

In your pom.xml (located in the project root)


You can then run:

mvn clean install


mvn compile

to download and integrate the dependency.

  1. Using Gradle:

In your build.gradle:

dependencies {
	implementation 'com.sun.mail:jakarta.mail:2.1.2'

Then run:

gradle build

to fetch the dependency.

Next create a file named in the src/main/java. And then we can use the following code snippet to send the email:

import jakarta.mail.*;
import jakarta.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import jakarta.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
import java.util.Properties;

public class SmtpSender {
    // Replace these with actual values from your Maileroo account
    private static final String SMTP_HOST = "";
    private static final int SMTP_PORT = 587;
    private static final String SMTP_USERNAME = "your-smtp-username";
    private static final String SMTP_PASSWORD = "your-smtp-password";
    private static final String FROM_NAME = "My App"; // The name shown in the "From" field
    private static final String TO_ADDRESS = ""; // Must be on your authorized list
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    private static void sendEmail() {
        // 1. Mail server properties
        Properties props = new Properties();
        props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
        props.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true");
        props.put("", SMTP_HOST);
        props.put("mail.smtp.port", String.valueOf(SMTP_PORT));
        // 2. Create a mail session using your credentials
        Session session = Session.getInstance(props, new Authenticator() {
            protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
                return new PasswordAuthentication(SMTP_USERNAME, SMTP_PASSWORD);
        try {
            Message message = new MimeMessage(session);
            message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(SMTP_USERNAME, FROM_NAME));
            message.setRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(TO_ADDRESS));
            message.setSubject("SMTP Mail with Maileroo");
            message.setText("Hello! This email was sent using Maileroo's SMTP service.");
            System.out.println("Email sent successfully via SMTP!");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Could not send email: " + e.getMessage());

To run the code you can use:

  • Maven:
mvn compile
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="SmtpSender"
  • Gradle:
gradle run

*If you receive any authentication or connection errors, verify your SMTP credentials in the Maileroo dashboard. You can also check the logs for more debugging information.

Sending Emails with Maileroo Email API

If you’d like to avoid traditional SMTP configuration, the Maileroo Email API lets you send messages by making a simple HTTP POST request. This method is especially convenient if you’re comfortable with REST APIs or if your application already communicates with external services in a similar manner

In Java, the OkHttp library is a popular choice for making HTTP requests, known for its simplicity, performance, and support for modern features like connection pooling and interceptors. We will be using it in this project.

Adding OkHttp

  • Using Maven:
  • Using Gradle:
dependencies {
	implementation 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:4.11.0'

Sending a Simple Email via the API

Create a file named in your src/main/java folder and the following code:

import okhttp3.*;

public class ApiSender {
    private static final String MAILEROO_API_KEY = "your-maileroo-api-key"; 
    private static final String TO_ADDRESS = ""; // Must be authorized in Maileroo
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    private static void sendEmail() {
        OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
        // 1. Build the request body
        MultipartBody requestBody = new MultipartBody.Builder()
                .addFormDataPart("from", "Areeb <>") // Replace with your Maileroo email
                .addFormDataPart("to", TO_ADDRESS)
                .addFormDataPart("subject", "Maileroo API!")
                .addFormDataPart("plain", "This is a test email sent using Maileroo's Email API.")
        // 2. Build the request
        Request request = new Request.Builder()
                .addHeader("X-API-Key", MAILEROO_API_KEY)
        try (Response response = client.newCall(request).execute()) {
            if (response.isSuccessful()) {
                System.out.println("Email sent successfully: " + response.body().string());
            } else {
                System.out.println("Failed to send email: " + response.body().string());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.out.println("Error sending email: " + e.getMessage());

Sending HTML Emails

You can also send HTML content just by changing the form parameter from plain to html:

.addFormDataPart("html", "<h1>Hello!</h1><p>This is an HTML email.</p>")

For multi-part emails (containing both plain text and HTML), you can include both plain and html parts and maileroo will automatically combine them.

Customizing the Email Name

You can also customize the sender’s name and format it in different ways:
"Name" <>

Update the from field in your email data with the new format.

Using Templates

If you want to take advantage of templates (for example, using placeholder variables like {{firstName}} in your message and sending bulk messages with personalized name), you can create a template in your Maileroo dashboard and note its template ID.

Here's the code snippet using template to send mail:

import okhttp3.*;

public class TemplateSender {
    private static final String MAILEROO_API_KEY = "your-maileroo-api-key";
    private static final String TEMPLATE_ID = "123"; // Replace with your actual template ID
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    private static void sendTemplateEmail() {
        OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
        // Provide the data needed to fill placeholders in your template
        String templateDataJson = "{\"firstName\": \"Alice\"}";
        MultipartBody requestBody = new MultipartBody.Builder()
                .addFormDataPart("from", "My App <>") // Replace with your maileroo email
                .addFormDataPart("to", "") 
                .addFormDataPart("subject", "Welcome!")
                .addFormDataPart("template_id", TEMPLATE_ID)
                .addFormDataPart("template_data", templateDataJson)
        Request request = new Request.Builder()
                .addHeader("X-API-Key", MAILEROO_API_KEY)
        try (Response response = client.newCall(request).execute()) {
            if (response.isSuccessful()) {
                System.out.println("Template email sent: " + response.body().string());
            } else {
                System.out.println("Template send failed: " + response.body().string());
        } catch (IOException e) {


  • template_id matches the template you created in Maileroo.
  • template_data is a JSON string that fills placeholders such as {{firstName}}.

Wrapping Up

We’ve now covered both methods for sending emails using SMTP and the Maileroo Email API.

You’re now ready to send emails in Java effortlessly with Maileroo. Whether you choose SMTP or the Email API, Maileroo makes it easy to integrate email functionality into your applications.

Start using it today to enhance your communication with users! For more help and examples, visit the official Maileroo Documentation.

Try for better SMTP deliverability