
We are constantly improving Maileroo and adding new features. Here is a list of changes we have made to Maileroo.

August 2024

  • Terms & Conditions have been updated.
  • Added more competitor comparisons to the sales website.
  • Email Marketing has now been released for closed beta testing.
  • Email Marketing design is now complete and will be now be tested for beta access.
  • A bunch of new sales pages have been added to the sales website.
  • New payment system is now fully automated with recurring payments.
  • Made several changes to the billing system, payments will be fully automated later this month.
  • We have released our own plugin called Simple SMTP by Maileroo.

July 2024

  • Activated 10 new IP addresses to handle the increased volume of emails.
  • Added a refund policy to the sales website.
  • Made several changes to the backend and database schema to add support for upcoming email marketing and newsletter features.
  • Added new pages to the sales website.
  • Improved the email rewriter so malformed emails are repaired before being sent. Header lines are now wrapped at 998 characters.