Maileroo, a perfect SMTP2Go Alternative

Email delivery can be scaled with only one click using Maileroo, a transactional email delivery platform. helping you deliver emails to the right person on time each and every time.

SMTP2Go Alternatives

Thinking of Switching to Maileroo?

Maileroo is an SMTP2Go alternative that offers a wide range of features to meet the demands of businesses of all sizes. Emailing has never been more expanded than with Maileroo, thanks to its easy scalability and affordable price. Transactional emails are our specialisation, and we can assist you with sending emails straight to the inbox! Use our Email API or SMTP Relay with Maileroo for complete application independence.

Free Email Verification

You can ensure that your emails get in the inbox and wave goodbye to bounced ones with our free Email Verification API.

Dedicated IPs

Would you like to send other messages? Utilise our dedicated IP addresses to improve the performance of your emails.

DNS Records

Check the sender's validity to protect your reputation. Set up DKIM, DMARC, and SPF to improve deliverability.

Email Delivery Tracking

Obtain thorough, up-to-date reports on sent and received emails. Enhance the user experience with informative data.

Suppression Handling

Easily handle emails that bounce, With Maileroo, bounced emails are taken care of and never sent to the recipient again!

Email API and SMTP

Send emails directly to recipients' inboxes by using our Email API or SMTP Relay.

Our transactional email service leapt higher and faster than SMTP2Go.

Legitimacy can never be an issue with Maileroo. We provide a free email verification API that ensures your emails are delivered to the right person.

We offer more detailed reports on the delivery status of larger emails.

You can never run into any glitches that can cause your email to not get delivered. With Maileroo, we ensure consistent deliverability that can confidently handle peak volumes without any blockages in performance.

Our expert troops made sure to create training tools for your guidance in using Maileroo’s transactional service.

Transparent and affordable pricing. We provide in any practical way without sacrificing quality or features.

We have dedicated expert troops that’s always responsive, solving issues faster and more reliably than any other team.

SMTP2Go vs Maileroo

Expect rapid delivery rates that reach your mailbox. At Maileroo, we take great pride in making sure our clients are pleased with the services we provide. Join the community of people who prefer to receive their emails directly in their inbox.

One of the best things about Maileroo is that it's an SMTP2Go alternative that offers a free plan without requiring a credit card! You are free to use and integrate any of our services into your existing system.

Use our real-time email tracking feature to discover more about your emails, access a growing list of services, and thoroughly examine our free email verification API. Why do you hold off? Enrol right away!

Base Plan$10.00$5.00
SMTP RelayCheckCheck
Email APICheckCheck
API DocumentationCheckCheck
Email Address Validation APICheckCheck
Dedicated IP AddressesCheckCheck
Automated IP WarmupCheckCheck
Dedicated IP PoolingCheckCheck
SPF / DKIM / DMARCCheckCheck
Real-Time AnalyticsCheckCheck
Searchable Email Activity5 Days14 Days
Engagement TrackingCheckCheck
Suppression ManagementCheckCheck
Technical SupportCheckCheck
WordPress IntegrationCheckWP Easy SMTP
Affiliate ProgramCheckCheck
Per Country StatisticsCheckCheck
SMTP2Go alternatives

Learn Why People Are Making The Switch To Maileroo

We take great pride in making sure you are satisfied with the SMTP email service we provide.

We are present from installation up to any problem where you need us.

We offer a free plan without requiring a credit card. You are free to use and integrate any of our services into your existing system.

We use our real-time email tracking feature to help you delve deeper into your emails' performance.

We let you take advantage of our growing list of services and examine our free verification API. Switch over to us now.

Get started with Maileroo today!